Sunday, June 5, 2011

Ara's Seafood Tteokbokki!!

Unfortunately, there is no Korean restaurants in Santa Barbara, so I started cooking since I came to the U.S. The interesting thing is that I didn't cook when I was in Korea.. --Actually I didn't know how to cook-- And now I can cook lots of Korean food, and some other food, such as pasta, and Okonomiyaki (Japanese food).

It's been a long time to cook.. I was lazy and there was no ingredients in my refrigerator.. After the JapanLA party, I stopped by a Korean market and bought some Korean food. And here is my special Korean food that is called Tteokbokki!! Usually, Tteokbkki comes with rice cake, some vegetables, red pepper paste, and other seasoning. But I put bunch of seafood and some noodle because I love them. It might be spicy to foreigners who are not familiar with spicy food, but it also tastes sweet.

If you have any opportunity to eat Tteokbokki, try it!!

오늘 점심으로 조알표해물떡볶이를 해먹었다! 내가 좋아하는 해물을 듬뿍 넣고, 오뎅도 넣고, 당면까지 넣어서 오늘은 조알표스페샬~~파다닥해물당면떡볶이가 되었다. 어제 엘에이를 다녀와 장을 잔뜩 봐와서 다행히 당분간은 먹을 걱정없이 살 것 같다.


  1. I've eaten Tteokbokki before at the Korean restaurant in my college town. I really like it! Mine was a bit more red..I like it with not much seafood though. Haha..I wish I could eat Korean food more often!

  2. Really? wasn't it spicy? haha there are hundreds of Korean restaurants in LA!
